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タートルスキン スネークアーマー ゲーター

タートルスキン スネークアーマー ゲーター 切創耐性 8.5N (ニュートン)

ハンター待望のタートルスキン新製品!! スネークアーマー
スネークアーマー ゲーター (ゲートル)



(しかし、幸運にも、ヘビにも出会いませんでした。)ヘビに関しては、1オンスの重量の防止策は、 蛇にかまれた傷の痛みの苦しみやその後の医療負担よりも十分な価値があることです。私はスネーク防御と同様にいばらの茂みと藪からの防護のためにチャップスを購入しました。

ティモシーデグロフ (高度草原牧場&スパニエル犬の所有者)は、国内で有名なブリーダーであり、野外育ちの英国のスプリンガーと英国種のコッカースパニエルを実地試験で扱う人です。ティムと彼の妻サリーは、コロラドのロッキー山脈ベースの高い大草原に住んでいます。


「おはようございます、2008年のショットショーで昨日皆様に会えて感激しました。」タートルスキンスネークゲートルの上質の製品を提供した方々に感謝を伝えることができてうれしかったです。私はおよそ4年前に、非常に重いコーデュラ(R)生地タイプのゲートルの他社ブランドから変更して、この製品を購入しました。私は合衆国で最も熱い場所の1つであるアリゾナ州のブルヘッド市の屋外で多くの時間を過ごしてますが、非常に軽量であるこの製品に引きつけられました。我々のヘビが出没する時期は非常に長いです。そして、それは臨時職員にとってどんな時でさえ恐怖を感じます。最初の春に、スネークゲートルの購入の後、私はセリグマン(アリゾナ州)の近くで、春の七面鳥を捕獲装置で狩っていました。私は偵察している間、数匹のヘビが外にいるのに気がつきました。夜明けとともに、当然の事として私はゲートルを装着しました。1日休みを取った後に、鳴いている七面鳥を捕まえるために急いで峰の側へ移動してました。私は足首より上の足に強打を感じた時、ガラガラヘビに噛まれたと理解しました。私はすばやく後退して、あわてず、すぐ動けるような姿勢を保ちました。私はその場所から離れた後に立ち止まって、足をチェックしたところ、ゲートルの外側に小さな湿った点がありましたが、内部や私の足は特に被害がないことがわかりました。蛇はアリゾナ州の一地域では一般的にいるMoHave GREENであると思います。そして、彼らがヒシモンガラガラヘビの有名な血液毒よりむしろ神経毒を持っていると思っています。これらのヘビとの以前の遭遇では、彼らは非常に攻撃的でした。正直、本当にヘビに噛まれた事は、私にとって最初の経験でした。私はこの製品が役に立ったことを感謝しながら使っております。私はシーズンの間40日ゲートルを使用してますが、ジッパーとコード機能は新品と変わらず、そして、生地も消耗や壊れる兆候はありません。私は、将来にわたり長い期間使用するつもりです。

Snake Protection Testimonials
Real Stories from Hunters and Hikers
Stories of Hunters Using SnakeArmor Snake Protection in the field.
"Even though it falls well within the scope of 'other duties as assigned,' no one from our staff could be sold on the prospect of purposely testing these chaps on live, venomous snakes. We were more than happy to take the folks at Warwick Mills for their word which states that 'TurtleSkin SnakeArmor has been tested with live rattlesnakes, successfully repelling both their strikes and venom.' This is good enough for us and surely it is for you too. SnakeArmor is constructed of a weave of high strength ballistic fibers, creating an impenetrable barrier from the likes of fangs and thorns as well as wind and water. While one would assume that such protection would come at the cost of weight and comfort that is not the case. One of our testers had the following to say about the use of the chaps in the field, 'They don't feel bulky or heavy...they are easy to walk in without feeling like you have to drag them along. They give you the confidence to walk through dense cover without worrying about burrs, thorns and snakes."
- Montana Sporting Journal

"I initially launched [Upland Wholesalers] with only Turtleskin SnakeArmor branded snake protection gear (snake chaps, snake gaiters, snake pants, etc.). I must tell you, the Turtleskin product is extremely light-weight and comfortable to wear. Most snake territories are in the warm-weather states - making this light-weight product that much more enjoyable on hot days. I own a pair of the Total Protection chaps and have worn them in south Texas - but fortunately haven't run into any snakes… yet. But with snakes, and ounce of prevention is a lot better than the pain, suffering and medical bills tied to a snake bite.
- Jared Tanner, owner of Upland Wholesalers

"I wear [SnakeArmor Chaps] everyday and am impressed with how light weight they are. I have run into 2 more snakes since I have received them. The snakes have sounded off before I have stepped too close to them to be hit, but I can tell you this, it is very, very good peace of mind to be wearing the chaps. "
- Timothy DeGroff, owner of High Prairie Farms Flushing Spaniels , is a nationally known breeder and field trial handler of field-bred English Springer and English Cocker spaniels. Tim and his wife Sally live on the high prairie at the base of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado.

"Just back from South Texas quail hunt. Hot & prickley but good bird population. Chaps performed admirably through much thorny brush, but no snake test thank God! Lightweight makes them perfect for the hot environment.(Used them in North Dakota last January in 6 below weather. Also perfect there because they kept out the freezing wind."
- William H Masden III, Atlanta, GA

"Good morning, it was a pleasure to meet you yesterday at the 2008 Shot show. I was glad to be able to thank you in person for the quality product you provided in my Turtleskin snake gaiters. I bought them about 4 years ago, replacing another brand of much heavier cordura type gaiters. I was attracted to your much lighter product as I live and spend time outdoors in one of the hottest places in america, Bullhead City, Arizona. Our snake season is very long and the temps can be brutal during any time of it. The first spring after my purchase of your snake gaiters I was hunting spring turkey in a hunt unit near Seligman, AZ. I had noticed several snakes out during scouting trips and put on my gaiters as a matter of course on opening morning. Just after day break I was making a move on a gobbling turkey, hurrying up a ridge to get ahead of him when I felt a thump on my leg just above the ankle, I glanced down and realized I had been struck by a rattlesnake. It did not rattle just struck and remained in an aggressive posture as I backed off and hurried on. I stopped out of reach and checked my leg and was very grateful to only notice a small wet spot on the outside of the gaiters and no wound or other evidence on the inside or on me. I believe the snake was a mohave green common to some parts of arizona and I understand they have a neurotoxin rather than the more well known hemo-toxins of the diamondbacks. In previous encounters with these snakes they have been very aggressive but this was my first experience with an actual snake strike. Again I appreciate having a product that worked, and that is a pleasure to use. My gaiters get at least 40 days of use a season and the zippers and cords function like new and the fabric does not yet show signs of wear or other break down. I expect to use them for many years to come."
- Bob Baird, Bullhead City, AZ

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